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Local Contacts

Early Help and Safeguarding Hub (formerly Access and Assessment) 
 (for seeking advice and information and making NEW referrals) 
Tel: (01482) 448 879

Children, Young People & Families Services - Area Locality Teams
 (for advice and referrals on open cases) 
North Area
Tel: (01482) 612 900
West Area
Tel: (01482) 614 001
East Area
Tel: (01482) 615 075

Children, Young People & Families Services - Disability Team
Tel: (01482) 715 155

Children Missing Education (CME) 
Tel: (01482) 613 703 / 613 967 (professionals)  01482 300 300 (members of the public) 

Designated Manager (in Local Authority) for notification of missing children:
Tel: (01482) 790 933

Immediate Help (Emergency Duty Team) 
Tel: (01482) 300 304

Independent Review Team (Child Protection Plans) 
Tel: (01482) 790 933

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) 
Allegations against professionals
Tel: (01482) 790 933

Local Authority Call Centre
Tel: (01482) 300 300

Youth Justice Service
All enquiries
Tel: (01482 614 200

Adoption Team
Family and Friends
Fostering / Adoption Panel
Fostering Team
LAC Education
Supported Lodgings

Tel: (01482) 612 800

Tel: (01482) 615 380 / 615 381

Connexions Advisers
Tel: (01482) 615 223

Leaving Care Team
Tel: (01482) 615 650

Change, Grow, Live
Tel: (01482) 615 780

Targeted Youth Support
Tel: (01482) 615 602

Virtual School for LAC
Tel: (01482) 615 606

Young People Skills and Employability team
Tel: (01482) 615 223 (part of Connexions team)

All enquiries
Tel: (01482) 616 092

Adult Services - Out of Hours
Tel: (01482) 247 111

Adult Safeguarding Board
Tel: (01482) 379 092

Mental Health Intensive Home treatment Team (Crisis team - Adults)
Tel: (01482) 301 701

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Tel: (01482) 300 304

General Enquiries
Tel: (01482) 300 300

Housing Welfare
Tel: (01482) 300 303

Local Authority Area Coordination Teams
Tel: (01482) 300 300

6th Floor
Earle House
Tel: 0300 456 4000

Tel: (01482) 303 680

Child Crisis
Tel: (01482) 301701 (option 2)

Tel: (01482) 379 090

Humberside Young Witness Service
Tel: (01482) 379 091

Training - Enquiries and Administration
Tel: (01482) 612 442

For an overview of Health Services and contacts please see the Health Umbrella.

City Health Care Partnership
5 Beacon Way

Named Nurse Safeguarding Children
Tel: (01482) 617 875

Safeguarding Children Team
Tel: (01482) 617 875

The Administration Team that supports the Hull citywide 0-19 Health Visiting and school nursing teams
Tel: (01482) 336634
0-11 Service
Tel: 01482 336634
11-19 Service
Tel: 01482 334301

Hull and East Yorkshire Hospital Trust
Named Nurse Safeguarding
Tel: (01482) 674 589

Named Doctor Safeguarding
Tel: (01482) 674 589

Named Midwife Safeguarding
Tel: (01482) 674 589

Community Midwives
Tel: (01482) 602 658 or 01482 602 742

Humber NHS Foundation Trust
Named Nurse Safeguarding Children
Trust head quarters
Willerby Hill
Beverley Road
Tel: (01482) 335 810

Named Doctor Safeguarding
Tel: (01377) 208 280

NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group
Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children
Wilberforce Court
Alfred Gelder Street
Tel: (01482) 344 781

Designated Doctor Safeguarding Children
Hull Royal Infirmary
Anlaby Road
Tel: (01482) 674 589

Named GP – Safeguarding Children
Tel: 07702 657506

Child Protection Team (Acute)
Anlaby Suite
Craven Building
Hull Royal Infirmary
Tel: (01482) 674 061 or 01482 674 589

NHS Direct
24 Hour Helpline
Tel: 111

Sexual vigor, family planning and contraception services
Wilberforce Health Centre
6-10 Story Street
North Humberside
Tel: (01482) 247 111

Protecting Vulnerable People contactable through the non emergency number: 101

PVP (Humberside Police) emergency number: 999

10 Market Place
Tel: (01482) 480 000

Barnados Young Carers and Siblings Support Service
Tel: (01430) 810 022

East Riding Voluntary Action Service
Tel: (01482) 871 077

NSPCC (National)
Tel: 020 7825 2500 (Main Switchboard)

Adult Drug and Alcohol Services

ReNew: Criminal Justice
Tel: (01482) 620 013

ReNew: Community
Tel: 0800 612 6126

Last Updated: July 31, 2023
